Merge Action in Cloud Flow


In this blog we will understand the Trigger and Action available for Merge Action in Power automate (Cloud Flow).

Problem Statement:
1) We want to retrieve data once the Merge is performed on two records.
2) We want to merge 2 records using flow.

For the first statement, we will be triggering a flow on Merge Action.
Note- Table name will differ as per the requirement, here for example I have considered Lead.

The output of the trigger is a JSON body that needs to be parsed, below is the schema.
    "properties": {
        "InputParameters": {
            "properties": {
                "Target": {
                    "properties": {
                        "Id": {  "type""string"},
                        "LogicalName": {   "type""string"},
                        "Name": {},
                        "KeyAttributes": {   "type""array" },
                        "RowVersion": {}}},
                "SubordinateId": {"type""string" },
                "PerformParentingChecks": { "type""boolean" },
                "x-ms-app-name": { "type""string" } } },
        "OutputParameters": { "type""object",
            "properties": {} },
        "ItemInternalId": {   "type""string"  },
        "SdkMessage": {  "type""string" },
        "RunAsSystemUserId": { "type""string"  } }}

The parsed output will provide the Target Id and the Subordinate ID.
Target/ Id - is the master record and Subordinate is the record that was merged and set to Inactive.

For the second problem statement, we need to merge 2 records.
We perform an unbound action Merge

Target- Master record
Subordinate Id- the record to be merged.
UpdateContent- additional entity attributes to be set during the merge operation for accounts, contacts, or leads. This property is not applied when merging incidents.
PerformParentingChecks- a value (Yes/ No) that indicates whether to check if the parent information is different for the two entity records.


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